(2017) 3 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 77–81
Title of the article The Modern State of Research of Crimes in the Sphere of Family, Guardian, Custody and Normal Development of the Minors in Ukrainian Criminal Law Science
PhD in Law, senior research officer, Scientific-Research Institute for the Study of Crime Problems named after Academician V.V. Stashis, National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, senior lecturer, department of criminal legal disciplines, V. Karazin Kharkiv National University, evteeva.dar@gmail.com
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2017
Issue 3
Pages [77–81]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract On a basis of review of the protected dissertations and monographs current state of research of crimes against family and minors in domestic criminal law science is highlighted. The dissertations and monographs in this area are distributed into groups according to the subject of research.
Keywords criminal law doctrine; crimes against family and minors; Section of the Special part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine; child; ward.
1. Baulin Yu.V., Borysov V.I., Tiutiuhin V.I. ta in. Kryminalne pravo Ukrainy: osoblyva chastyna: pidruch. [The Criminal Law of Ukraine: Special part: textbook]. Kharkiv: Pravo, 2015. 528 p. (in Ukrainian).
2. Zinchenko I.O. Kryminalno-pravova okhorona vyborchykh, trudovykh ta inshykh osobystykh prav i svobod liudyny i hromadianyna (analiz zakonodavstva i sudovoi praktyky): monohr. [The Criminal Protection of Electoral, Labor and Other Personal and Human Rights and Freedoms (analysis of legislation and judicial practice): monogr.]. Kharkiv: Vapniarchuk N.M., 2007. 320 p. (in Ukrainian).
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5. Moroziuk S.M. Kryminalno-pravova kharakterystyka zlochyniv proty interesiv simi ta pidopichnykh (st.st. 164–169 KK Ukrainy) [The Criminal-Legal Characteristic of Crimes against the Interests of Family and Wards (arts. 164–169 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine)] (dys. kand. yuryd. nauk; In-t derzhavy i prava im. V.M. Koretskoho NAN Ukrainy). Kyiv, 2012. 205 p. (in Ukrainian).